Monday, November 4, 2013

Reflection on Letter to Symbol Project

While using Gimp, what was most frustrating aspect of the program and/or project? (Ex. Gimp Tools, translating sketch to design, creating transitional layers, etc.)  
          The most challenging aspect of Gimp was getting to know/using the tools. Sometimes I did not know which one I was using so then I would have to re-do my drawing because I did not like the way it looked. Also sometimes I would forget to highlight the layer that I wanted to draw on, and then I would be erasing something important. These things were just so frustrating because it would cause me to have to re-do/do more work. 

After completing the project, which Gimp tools do you feel most confident in using? Explain why. 
          I feel most confident using the paintbrush because I am good at manipulating the size and shape of the brush. I really liked it because I was able to use the brush for many different parts of my Gif. This tool was easy to use and had SO many purposes. 

Which Gimp Tool do you wish you were better at using? Explain why. 
          I wish I was better at using the lasso tool because then I could have had more curved lines. I was used to just selecting circles and then outline it. But it would have been so much easier to use the lasso tool to make curved lines.

What would you like to create with Gimp next?
          I think that if I ever use Gimp again I would like to manipulate a picture. I would like to change a picture that many people know of and change it to something funny or strange. I think that Gimp could be a program that I will use off and on for different creative projects. 

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