Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Letter to Symbol Gif

For this project my letter was "N" and my symbol was a nervous boy.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Name Design Reflection

1.  Describe the design process in the name design project. How was it helpful or not helpful for you?
          This reflection time is when we describe our madness/reasoning for things. When I first herd that we were going to make a design that had our name in it, I thought of making block/bubble letters that I love to do. Then I read on the rubric that there had to be a design and we could only use two colors (black and a color). I have three people in my direct family, mother, father, and me. So that it where the triangle came in and also a triangle is easy to draw with a ruler. It was helpful being able to create many drafts, but it was not helpful having to second guess myself and changing the slightest thing. Sometimes I think that multiple drafts is more confusing than helpful. 

2. How does the name design represent you? What components did you use to visually tell the viewer about yourself? (Composition, font style, images, symbols, colors, etc)
           This name design represents me by including triangles, the color purple, and my block letters that I love to write. I have three direct family members, my mother, father, and me. So every point of the triangle is a family member. Also my favorite color is a dark purple and that is why I chose to incorporate that as my only color. When Iadd geometric shapes I like them be really close to each other to a point where they are almost touching but there is a small white line separating them. I think it makes it look more like a cohesive pattern. 

3.  How did you create a focal point or emphasis in your design?
          My focal point was created by leaving my name completely blank. Everywhere around my name is triangles that are colored in. Leaving my name white while everything is either black or purple makes it the center of attention. Also having the first outer layer black triangles centers in the name, then as you look out towards the edge you see the mixture of black and purple. 

4.  What was the most difficult part of this project for you? Why?
          The most difficult part if this project was having multiple drafts. When I know what I want it usually make sure I get it. I am very determined and head strong, which I also need to work on, but I think that art is where you can be head strong because art represents your own style. I usually do not like getting input from other people when the project is supposed to be about one person. 

5. Are you satisfied with your project? Explain your answer.
          I am really happy with my project. I like the way I have the triangles and how my name is the focal point. I think that although I did not like the input it has helped because I would not have heavily outlined my name or brought the triangles to the edge. Overall, I am very satisfied and hope that the other projects are equally as satisfying.  

6. If  you can change anything, what would you change?
          I would probably not use pencil to draft and just draw it with sharpie, only because then I would not see the lines under the purple and have to erase all the pencil-I usually do not follow lines when tracing or cutting, it takes a lot of patients. 


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


These are pictures that inspire me! My inspiration is NEW YORK CITY. This is where I am from and where I have lived all my life. :)